My Semester So Far...

Friday, 18 October 2024

This semester has been a combination of challenges and achievements that have significantly contributed to my academic and personal development.

Among the subjects I have enjoyed the most are Taller and Cultura de la Arquitectura. In Taller, I appreciate the opportunity to transform creative ideas into concrete projects, allowing me to apply the knowledge I have acquired in a practical way. On the other hand, Cultura de la Arquitectura has been an enriching experience as it provides me with a deeper understanding of the historical and cultural foundations of the discipline. Additionally, being consistently recognized for my outstanding analyses in this subject has been an important incentive to maintain my commitment and the quality of my work.

In contrast, Sostenibilidad Urbana has not met my expectations. While I acknowledge the importance of the subject, I feel that the way it is approached fails to capture my interest effectively. This has made it difficult for me to fully engage in the proposed activities, which has affected my overall perception of the course.

When it comes to organization, I tend to be methodical and strive to tackle tasks on the same day they are assigned. Although I don’t always finish them right away, I make as much progress as possible to maintain a steady workflow and avoid future setbacks. This approach has been key to balancing my academic and personal responsibilities.

In my free time, I enjoy engaging in activities that bring me balance. Video games serve as a way to relax and disconnect from daily demands, while cleaning and organizing my space are activities I find comforting and essential for my well-being.

The consistent recognition I’ve received in Cultura de la Arquitectura for the quality of my architectural case analyses has been the highlight of this semester. These distinctions not only boost my motivation but also validate my effort and dedication.


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